Why Are Electric Vehicle Fires So Hard to Control?


Why Are Electric Vehicle Fires So Hard to Control?

Imagine yourself in a bustling city parking garage when suddenly, an electric vehicle (EV) nearby catches fire. Unlike traditional gasoline-powered cars, where a fire can often be extinguished with water or foam, EV fires pose a much greater challenge. The reason? Thermal runaway.

When a lithium-ion battery in an EV is damaged or overheats, it can trigger a self-sustaining reaction known as thermal runaway. This process releases intense heat and toxic gases, making conventional firefighting methods ineffective. Water can take hours—or even days—to fully cool down the battery, while foam struggles to suppress the fire due to continuous re-ignition. This is where fire blankets come in.

The Role of Fire Blankets in EV Fire Management

Fire blankets, designed specifically for EVs, offer a game-changing solution to this modern safety hazard. Unlike traditional fire blankets, these specialized blankets are built to withstand extreme temperatures and prevent fire from spreading.

Previously, there were no standardized regulations for EV fire blankets, making it difficult to ensure their effectiveness and reliability. However, the introduction of DIN SPEC 91489 has changed that. This new standard sets clear requirements for fire limitation blankets, ensuring that they are capable of effectively containing EV fires and minimizing damage.

Features of Fire Limitation Blankets in DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11

  • Extreme Thermal Resistance: EV fire blankets must endure high temperatures, as outlined in DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11, which mandates rigorous thermal resistance tests. These blankets can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C, ensuring they hold up against prolonged exposure to intense heat.
  • Enhanced Durability: The DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11 standard also emphasizes mechanical stability, including resistance to cutting and tearing. This ensures the blanket remains intact when deployed over a burning EV, preventing fire from escaping. Additionally, these blankets are designed for multiple uses, maintaining their integrity and effectiveness even after repeated deployments.
  • Chemical Resistance: An important feature included in the DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11 is the requirement for chemical resistance. The EV fire blankets must withstand exposure to substances like oils, greases, petrol, water with extinguishing agents, and battery acids without degrading, ensuring continued protection.
  • Easy Deployment: Fire blankets need to be quickly and efficiently placed over a burning EV. According to the DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11, two personnel should be able to deploy the blanket within 30 seconds. This rapid response time is critical in preventing fire spread.

At Nivofire, we manufacture high-quality fire blankets designed to provide superior protection against EV fires, keeping both people and property safe. Don’t wait for an emergency to happen—equip your fleet, business, or emergency response team with the best fire technology available today. Contact us to learn more about our EV fire blankets and how they can enhance your fire safety strategy.

Save Your Life with Nivofire EV Fire Blankets.

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